It can be very daunting coming home from hospital with your new baby. Babybliss offers a service to help alleviate the anxiety that can go along with being a new parent and also teaches you how to care for your new baby and establish a good routine from the early days.

Jo will come to your home to assist you with feeding – breast or bottle – give lactation advice, including expressing and storage of breast milk, teach you settling techniques including how to swaddle your baby, how to recognize your new baby’s tired signs, how to get your baby on a good routine, and how to teach your baby to be an excellent sleeper.

All this along with basic baby care such as bathing, nappy changing, dressing your baby and stimulating your baby are essential tools in the early days and assist you to become a confident new parent.

What’s involved?

Jo will come to your home the evening you arrive home from hospital and stay for the first night, and the following day and night. Then, if everything is okay and the parents feel comfortable, Jo will leave you for the next 2 nights and days. Jo then returns for a visit on the 5th night home to see how things are going and deal with any questions or issues that may have arisen.

Jo is then available for phone support for the first month. Any extra time that is needed can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.

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