#sub-footer {

	.mk-footer-copyright {
		color: #ffffff;
		font-size: 11px;
		float: left;
		padding: 20px 0;
		font-size: bold;
		text-shadow:0 1px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);

	.mk-footer-logo {
		float: left;
		display: inline-block;
		padding: 8px 20px 8px 0;
@media handheld, only screen and (max-width: 1140px) {
	.mk-footer-copyright {
		padding-left: 20px !important;

<div class="mk-header-toolbar">
<?php theme_class('header_toolbar_menu'); ?>

<?php theme_class('header_toolbar_contact'); ?>

<span class="mk-header-tagline"><?php echo stripslashes($mk_options['header_toolbar_tagline']); ?></span>
<?php if ( $mk_options['enable_header_date'] == 'true' ) { ?>
<span class="mk-header-date"><i class="mk-icon-time"></i><?php echo date("F j, Y"); ?></span>
<?php } ?>

<?php if ( has_nav_menu( 'language-menu' ) ) { ?>
<div class="mk-language-nav"><a href="#"><i class="mk-icon-globe"></i><?php _e('Languages', 'theme_frontend'); ?></a>
<div class="mk-language-nav-sub-wrapper">
<div class="mk-language-nav-sub">
<?php theme_class('language_menu'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($mk_options['header_search_location'] == 'toolbar') theme_class('mk_header_search'); ?>
<?php theme_class('mk_header_social'); ?>

<?php if($mk_options['header_toolbar_login'] == 'true') : ?>
<?php theme_class('mk_header_login'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if($mk_options['header_toolbar_subscribe'] == 'true') : ?>
<div class="mk-header-signup">
<a href="#" id="mk-header-subscribe-button" class="mk-subscribe-link"><i class="mk-icon-envelope"></i><?php _e('Subscribe', 'theme_frontend'); ?></a>
<?php theme_class('mk_header_subscribe'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
if ( in_array( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins' ) ) ) && $mk_options['header_checkout_woocommerce'] == 'true') {
global $woocommerce;

<div class="mk-header-checkout">
<a href="<?php echo $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url(); ?>" title="<?php _e('View your shopping cart', 'woothemes'); ?>" id="mk-header-checkout-btn" class="mk-checkout-btn"><i class="mk-moon-cart-2"></i><?php _e('Checkout', 'theme_frontend'); ?></a>
<?php theme_class('mk_header_checkout'); ?>
<div class="clearboth"></div>
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