9 to 12 months routine

(4 customer reviews)


These gentle routines provide a helpful rhythm to the day so you know when your baby should be sleeping, feeding and playing. Our 24 hour baby routines can make a huge difference to you and your baby.

With over 10,000 routines downloaded, one client, Alison, described them as “Hands down – the most helpful resources I found to help me deal with the challenges of being a first time Mum.”

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Between nine and twelve months of age, babies should ideally be sleeping 10 to 12 hours a night, with one early morning “roll-over” feed if necessary, and be having two naps a day for about one to two hours each or one short nap of 45 minutes and one longer nap.

Our 24 hour baby routines, ranging from newborn to twelve months of age can make a huge difference to you and your baby. These gentle routines provide a helpful rhythm to the day rather than a rigid clock-watching schedule. They give you a plan to follow for sleeping, feeding and activity for your baby.

Structure and routine make children less anxious because, if they know what to expect, they become more cooperative as they feel they have some control over situations.

Our routines give you exclusive access to a step by step approach for yours and your baby’s day that has been developed over 15 years of settling babies.

Over 10,000 BabyBliss routines have been downloaded and used by mothers around the world.

What our clients say

“I wanted to write and thank you because the babybliss resources have been – hands down – the most helpful resources I found to help me deal with the challenges of being a first time Mum….and a single one at that. I loved your newborn routine and from the day we began using it, my little boy was more settled, slept better and we barely needed to use the strategies we’d found for calming hysterical babies in the previous weeks….because we knew how to avoid him getting into that state in the first place.” – Alison

4 reviews for 9 to 12 months routine

  1. Cressida

    We used Jo’s routines for each age of our baby and found them incredibly helpful. The FAQs are great and the daily timetable makes a lot of sense.

  2. Jessica (verified owner)

    The routine has really helped my 11 month old baby to nap. It is amazing how she now falls asleep in the morning and afternoon within minutes, when previously it could take an hour to get her down. The routine is very logical and really helped supplement what we were naturally doing with some important tweaks and has helped my husband and I to be consistent.

  3. Katie Hughes

    I find these routines the easiest to follow. They are not set to strict times which make life easier for both Mum and bub. I have tried many different routines and this is by far the most convenient. It got my Bub day sleeping consistently as well as sleeping through the night.

  4. Meaghan (verified owner)

    I love the Babybliss routines. They are such a lovely and gentle approach and I like the flexibility they offer. I’ve always found it difficult to know how to fit in milk feeds and meals when bubs starts to drop another sleep and these routines provide an easy guide to follow. It is nice to find something that works and seems to fit bubs natural rhythm.

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