10 things that are different about motherhood the second time
A blog from one of our mums about the differences between first time motherhood and getting ready for baby #2.
Oh how excited and nervous and scared and anxious and thrilled and so so tired I was when I had my first baby. I wanted to do everything right. If Natalie Portman in Black Swan had had a baby instead of dancing like a crazy lady, she couldn’t have had much more of a desire for perfection than I did.
But now looking down the barrel of a second baby, I have a teeny tiny bit of perspective and might go a little easier on myself. Ok, a lot easier.
Here’s my take on first baby versus second baby preparation.
1. Preparation and purchasing

First Baby
Spreadsheet of essential items, annotated and checked off the list at least 4 weeks in advance.
Second baby
Will just get more of what I have. May go to the supermarket to buy the right size nappies.
2. Baby items and washing

First Baby
Washed all clothes in soft flakes or sensitive skin washing liquid. Some handwashed. Dried in the sun.
Second baby
All items will go in the washing machine and dryer. That is what they are for.
3. Hospital Bag Styling

First Baby
Lovingly picked out multiple different colour coordinated outfits for hospital bag with singlet, pants, top, jacket, booties, handmits, cap.
Second baby
Will only be wearing zip suits until 3 months. Possibly 6 months. Possibly a year.
4. The Nursery

First Baby
Room was pinterest worthy and I took photos.
Second baby
Why is there so much stuff in the room? Is it bad to store shoes on the change table? Toys are now in a plastic tub and a bulk box of nappies and wipes is wedged behind feeding chair. Carefully laid out toys have had to make way for vast amount of blankets I was given by friends. This will not be photographed if I have any say in it.
5. Baby Shower

First Baby
Baby shower was epic. I hired waiters. Some people were drunk.
Second baby
May try to grab a Saturday afternoon without first baby to get an ice cream with hubby. Might.
6. The Pram

First Baby
Pram was so clean and shiny.
Second baby
Pram is covered in prehistoric gunk that not even a professional industrial cleaner could remove with harsh chemicals. This will not be attempted.
7. Car Seat

First Baby
Car seat professionally fitted.
Second baby
Oh look, we’ll do this again because I am still intense about safety.
8. Germs

First Baby
Sterilised everything , some things multiple times. Used multiple tubes of handcream because hands became dry from washing them.
Second baby
Germs never hurt anyone. Oh except for illnesses and all that. Let’s take a watching brief on this one.
9. Schedule

First Baby
Obsessively tracked feeds, sleeps and nappies on phone app. Could tell you to within a minute when next feed was due.
Second baby
Baby will eat when hungry provided toddler is not trying to stick a fork in an electric socket.
10. Baby Food

First Baby
Made all baby food /purees myself and froze into cubes which I lovingly defrosted at mealtime.
Second baby
There are whole trained teams of people working on commercial solutions for this issue. Who am I to take their jobs away from them?
PS: My toddler won’t be kissing my tummy and I won’t be wearing crop tops any time soon.